
But do not forget the souvenirs, for that Santiago has many options ...
 Craft Fair, Santa Lucia.
Located on the Cerro Santa Lucia and the National Library, specifically in the corner of Alameda and Carmen. It is open from Monday to Sunday from 11 to 21 hours and you can find crafts of all kinds.

  Pueblito de Los Dominicos:
It is located on Avenida Apoquindo 9085, next to the church of the same name. It is one of the best craft centers in the country with over 160 shops with all kinds of art, is also a historical center declared a national monument. Office hours are Monday through Sunday, but in summer is from 10.30 to 20 hours while in winter is 10 to 19 hours.



  1. Great tips about craft fairs, especially two of different kinds and prices. I found really useful that you posted the "office hours".
    Tamara Reyes,3°B

  2. Very good information, specific, accurate and concise. It is also very varied, what allows us to better understand the city.
    Congratulations! =D

    Mariana Rodríguez, 3th B

  3. Excellent information to get easily to the fairs, I’m definitely going, Santa Lucía craft fair is just some steps away from where I live!
    Javiera Fischer 3ºB

  4. The information is very useful and you can understand more Santiago when you go to places that sell souvenirs (:
    Claudia Maliqueo 3ºA

  5. I've never been in Pueblito los Domínicos, thanks for the information (:
    Daniela Díaz, 3ero B

  6. AWESOME PLACES for buying souvenirs, both of them are beautiful and funnies.
    Javiera Aldea 3ºB

  7. Thanks for the info girls c: I will visit the santa lucìa hill this week!
    Sofìa Lechuga 3ºB

  8. I really like Pueblito Los Dominicos, is a good idea to visit with my family on weekends,because there are some restaurants, and you can see Art.

    Valentina Moya 3° A

  9. Santa Lucia is beautiful, I love it.

    Camila Contreras 3ºA
