Transport payment system (Bip!)

  When we speak of Bip! we refer to a modern form of payment for public transport services to Santiago, I mean, the Metro and the Transantiago, used with a non-contact format. Issuance and maintenance are charged to the Transantiago Financial Administrator. The name comes from the similarity to the sound emitted when passing by a validator or automatic collector. It works like a debit card, so you must pay money before being transported, and the balance is deducted at time of travel by bus or Metro, depending on the stretch rate and means of transport used. You can buy it at the ServiPag offices, or at the box office of subway stations.


The rates for this service may vary, as shown in the image below if you, for example, so-called 'Transfers' when you go to take a bus to use the Metro, or vice versa.

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